Ed Wekesser is passionate about helping Christian business owners and CEOs grow great companies while overcoming the loneliness, uncertainty, isolation, and spiritual attacks they are experiencing. Because he has fought through the same experiences, Ed cares deeply about those who are in the battle now.
Before the Executive Coaching conversation begins...
In his entrepreneurial and consulting careers Ed has found the ultimate success of an endeavor to be closely tied to the work that is done early in the process. With this in mind he has developed an Executive Coaching process that starts with the gathering of selected information:
Information about you, the client.
Information about the organization you lead.
You will be asked to complete and send to Ed much of this information ahead of your first Coaching session.
The Executive Coaching conversation begins...
Together, you and Ed will review the provided information and then agree on the initial area(s) of focus.
Location permitting, a majority of your coaching session will be in person.
During the course of your Executive Coaching experience you will have "reasonable" phone access to Ed between coaching sessions.